Design study Style of thinking of Design research (1) They say that planning is important for a PhD thesis. Above all, setting up a research question is the key. Defining y... 2020.05.14 Design studyPhD
Business How would business be after corona?”Business in the New Normal”webinar by Prof. Roberto Verganti It's been nearly two months since the lockdown was done in Italy, and it seems that it is gradually regaining calmness.... 2020.05.10 BusinessInnovation management
Design study Do we need theory in design? Thinking from Ken Friedman’s paper Do we need theory in design? The question itself is very controversial. Some designers and design researchers will tell... 2020.05.09 Design study
PhD Who is your PhD dissertation for? -an essence for PhD candidate- What does it mean to write a doctoral dissertation? The first thing you'll be asked when you enter a doctoral program, ... 2020.05.08 PhD
Design Fantastic Ice breaking with drawing There are many encounters in our life. When we first met with others, we introduce ourself each other. Sometimes, we do ... 2017.05.18 Design
Design Draw freely, Moving your body without thinking! What do we need BEFORE design? One thing that we need to know is to draw. But how should we draw? Usually if you are not... 2017.05.16 Design
Design Graphic Design starting from creation of color palet Its quite new and surprising for me to see color from creation point of view. Usually colors are there, just being ther... 2017.04.03 Design
Design [Milan tour] Interior design – De Padova showroom in Milan Italy Have you ever seen a showroom which is breathtaking? In Milan Italy, you can encounter those kind of positively speechle... 2016.11.13 DesignInterior DesignItalian Design
Design [Milan Tour]Interior design – Visiting showroom Glas Italia in Milan Italy Buongiorno! This is Yasu from Japan. This is the 5th article of Milan showroom. Today, I am about to introduce Glas It... 2016.11.13 DesignInterior DesignItalian Design
Design [Milan tour]Interior design – Visiting showroom Driade in Milan Italy Ciao, this is Yasu. Today, I am going to introduce the 4th design showroom, Driade, in Milan Italy. What Brand is dria... 2016.11.13 DesignInterior DesignItalian Design